Tuesday, November 15, 2005

beadle? i saw you...

holy crap, i'm so unorganized.

But I'm getting better!
...I promise...

mwahahaha... :)


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM EST

    Hey kiddo. Hope you're doing well. ...wow... I was expecting more out of myself than just that. Ah well. Such is suchishness, ka? If you're ever in the state of Florida, lemme know, kayo? And if I go up to Ohio (which I do sometimes) I'll make sure to leave you a comment or something akin to that. Uhhhmmm... doo be doo be doo...

    Wombats rock. ^_^


  2. Anonymous10:55 PM EST

    Oh my dear praise Taco Bell Hallelujah. I've tracked you down like the scantily clad beetle you are!

    Elise, this, is Emily. You know which one. And you know I will scurry to the bottomless depths of hell to find you and come back again-because I'm just that annoying :D

    Anyway, I hope you're doing well and can't wait to hear from you.

