Thursday, February 15, 2007

365, at long last. ish.

I'd been thinking about it for a while, and now I've taken a deep breath and jumped on the 365 Days bandwagon. The goal? Take a picture of yourself every day for a year. The catch? The shots have to be unique. It's kind of an exercise in creativity… forces you to stretch your imagination. I'm only up to day 4, so no troubles so far. But when the subject is yourself and it's always yourself, 365 unique pictures can seem pretty daunting.

well, here goes nothing…

eeew...dead?who needs curves? I have angles!bleach


  1. Ah yes, it's a very interesting project. I have decided to partake in it as well, but offline, as I'm too bashful to allow anyone to see photos of me purposely taking photos of myself. Not that I don't recommend it for others. I just feel silly, is all :) But, go you! You have some really good ones out there. I'm trying not to look at people's 365s, though, because I feel like I might be tempted to steal their ideas, in part, for photos.. especially closer to day 365 :)

  2. I'm still very self-conscious about taking my own picture, but I'm trying to get over it... it's still weird to see all these pictures of myself. previous to starting this, I think I had a grand total of 3 pics of myself.

    I like to look at other people's shots for inspiration. I don't copy their ideas, but they'll often give me other ideas for my own pictures. =)
