Thursday, November 30, 2006


I found a tutorial on turning pictures into pop-art and thought I'd give it a go... so here's what I came up with. I picked the originals off of flickr. I can't find the first one again, but the Ronald pic links back to the author's page.





1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:17 PM EST

    aww, emo-pixelfied ronald. always sad to see a depressed clown, but at the same time weird/cool/creepy to look at ^^; >.>

    what's your number btw? i called the ones on your facebook and got your house i guess and maybe the place you used to work;; im it to me sometime even though it'll ruin the randomness of me calling heh. i mean.. i wasn't planning on talking to you. just calling and hanging up. or maybe not calling at all. nope nope.

    come back over christmas and play friz/wii hehe. 'twould be fun.

