Saturday, November 4, 2006


I hate myself for not caring, but I just can't seem to care.

meh. It comes and goes.
been meaning to find a psychiatrist. psychologist? whichever.

one of these days.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:47 PM EST

    n0o, don't not care!

    it's bad for you?

    maybe.. it's not that good for you..?, meh.



    no, seriously, what's up? you should go online more often and bug me, i'm usually on a lot even if i'm not actually there. i always get around to responses at some point. i can totally be an official psychiaologist.

    ::minus that legally being allowed to prescribe medicine thing. can accidentally leave some sweet lookin placebo's on a table and have you pick them up for free if that counts::

