Monday, February 13, 2006

i thought a better plan could shake this shadowed land

I've always thought that hiccough (hiccup... however) cures were entirely psychological. especially when the best cure I've had was when my aunt offered me $20 if I could hiccup again. I couldn't, of course. what's really funny, though, is to read about how to cure hiccups at the instructions are, more or less, the standard "cures", but the most interesting bit of all is all the tips offered by readers. It's amazing what people think will cure the hiccups -- saying "this always works for me!" and getting their friends to perform contortions and do all kinds of silly things. Usually accomplishing the task takes so much conentration that you've actually forgotten that you've got the hiccups at all, hence, "curing" them. When I get hiccups, I get them off and on for a day or two, and I notice that they go away when I've forgotten that I had them. It could also have something to do with an adrenaline rush, or at least the processes that go on in your body when you're scared... going into primal instincts mode for that half-second such that you've forgotten your affliction...

summary: I hate the hiccups.

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